If you plan to enable event monitoring of SCA components or handle events emitted by the Event Emitter primitive, you can perform post-installation tasks to configure the Common Event Infrastructure. 如果您希望启用SCA组件的事件监视或处理EventEmitter基元产生的事件,那么可以执行安装后的任务以配置公共事件基础设施(CommonEventInfrastructure)。
How do business architects plan to provide this monitoring capability? 业务架构师打算如何提供这种监视功能?
In the future, we plan to continue monitoring our site and collecting more data for further performance analysis. 在未来,我们计划继续监控站点并为以后的性能分析收集更多数据。
Discussion on Design Plan of Safe Monitoring System in Preventing Disaster 关于防灾安全监控系统设计方案的探讨
Taking the water conveyance project of Dahuofang Reservoir as a case, the design of the comprehensive applicable plan for the real-time monitoring, control, communication and office system within a informationized management system for large water delivery project is described herein. 文中以大伙房水库输水工程为例,阐述了大型输水工程信息化系统实时监控、调度系统、通信及办公系统综合应用的方案设计。
Preparation is the rolling four housing construction planning of the annual implementation plan, tracking and monitoring mechanism. 四是滚动编制住房建设规划的年度实施计划,实施跟踪监管机制。
Breast cancer biomarker has important significance for early detection, determination of treatment plan, efficient monitoring of treatment and evaluation of prognosis. 乳腺癌生物标记对乳腺癌的早期诊断、治疗方案的制定、治疗效果和预后评估有重要意义。
Ticad-storyA TICAD IV Action Plan, including a monitoring mechanism, is expected to address these issues. 会议可能通过第四届东京非洲发展国际会议(TICADIV)《行动计划》(其中包括一个监控机制)来解决这些问题。
In this article, an overall plan for monitoring and managing system is put forward, which is based on general line on-the-spot and configuration software. 文章提出基于现场总线和组态软件的船舶机舱监控与管理系统总体方案。
Probe into and Tentative Plan of Unified Monitoring Platform for Safe Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals 危险化学品运输安全统一监控平台的探讨和设想
Method: Adopt HRZ two-period overall intermittent short-range chemiotherapy treatment plan and overall monitoring management method. 方法:采用含HRZ的两阶段全程间歇短程化疗方案和全程督导的管理方法。
The landslide model test results under the conditions of rainfall and reservoir water fluctuation from the ′ 2000 scientific specified plan of Monitoring and prediction of Geological Hazards of Three Gorges Region are introduced. 重点介绍国土资源部长江三峡地质灾害监测与预报2000年科技专项计划中雨水及库水作用下滑坡模型试验研究成果。
Automatic Trigger of the Traffic Plan in Tunnel Monitoring and Control System 隧道监控系统中交通控制方案的自动触发
It puts forward the concrete plan of monitoring the shunters in the respects of way of design, standards to follow and monitoring mode. The paper also illustrates the difficult problems to be solved. 阐述了利用机车监控装置为调车作业实施监控的可行性,从基本思路、遵循的标准和监控模式等方面提出了调车监控的具体方案及解决的难点问题。
Resettlement Plan and Monitoring for Key Projects 关于重大工程编制移民安置规划并建立监测制度的思考
The Programming Tactics of Control Expected Plan for Tunnel Monitoring System 浅谈隧道监控系统控制预案的编制策略
Comprehensive database construction plan for the monitoring of water and soil protection 水土保持监测综合数据库建设的构想
At first, this paper analyses the air compressor's structure as well as its faults, which always happen, and puts forward the project of measuring point's arrangement and framework plan of on-line monitoring system. 本文先对空压机结构及其常发故障进行分析,提出了空压机监测测点布置方案,给出了在线监测系统总体结构图。
The article presents the execution plan of the monitoring and measurement, analyses the monitoring results and expatiates on the feasibility of building large-spanned double-track tunnel in fractured accumulative ground. 介绍了监测实施方案,分析了监测成果,论证了在破碎堆积体中修建双线大跨隧道的可行性。
A case study is presented to illustrate the technological plan for monitoring the foundation uneven settlement and some practical results obtained with the monitoring system are discussed. 结合具体的工程观测实例,阐述了监测系统的布置,对观测结果进行了初步分析。
Building the urban plan monitoring system is to amend the urban planning procedure and legal system, and to complete a sustainable cycle of "Production-Implementation-Evaluation-Review". 建立城市规划实施评价机制将有助于完善我国的城市规划程序,促进我国的城市规划制度建设,推动城市规划形成编制-实施-评价-调整的良性循环。
Then we present a design plan for the real-time monitoring system of production process of Zhanjiang Power Plant according to the investigation into practice requirement. 并在应用需要调研的基础上,给出了湛江电厂的生产过程实时监控系统设计方案。
The Improvement of Quality Control Plan for Automatic Air Monitoring System 空气自动化监测系统质量控制图的改进
Tentative Plan for Monitoring Colligation Experiment on Developing Water Turbine-Generator 开展水电机组状态监测综合性实验设想
Aim at the existent problems of traction substation the protective and control part for the high-speed railway and discusses in detail the creative solution plan of the monitoring device. 针对高速区段牵引变电所运行中保护、控制部分存在的问题,详细阐述了测控装置创新性解决方案。
Plan strategy, monitoring strategy, evaluating strategy and remedial strategy are significantly correlated with composition scores. 7. 写作策略及写作策略维度下的计划策略、监控策略、评价策略、补救策略均与作文成绩显著相关。
The thesis summarizes some matters needing attention in annual-budget, project plan, project monitoring, project closure and quality control, according to the characteristics of R& D projects. 并且,本文根据研发项目的特点,把质量管理与挣值管理进行结合,对年度预算、项目计划、项目跟踪、项目收尾评价等过程中的许多注意事项进行了适当的总结和补充。
At the same time, proposed design plan of monitoring system. 同时基于此,提出了监管系统的设计目标。
Based on the comprehensive of the existing evaluation of web-based course, We established the implementation and construction plan of automatic monitoring system of web-based course usage. 鉴于此,本文在综合原有网络课程评价研究的基础上,制定了网络课程使用情况自动监测系统的实施建设方案,以期对网络课程评价系统的研究具有一定的借鉴作用。